Environmental Responsibility

Green Building Initiative

A ‘green’ building is a building that, in its design, construction or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment. Green buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve our quality of life.

Asian Development Bank’s Technical Assistance Programme

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and IIFL Home Finance, a private sector housing finance company with a strategic focus on affordable housing, have collaborated through a Technical Assistance (TA) programme to support the green building ecosystem in the affordable housing sector in India. ADB appointed consultants under each element of the TA for execution of the deliverables. The activities covered under the TA include:

  • Organizing knowledge events to facilitate the exchange of ideas, and increase awareness among various stakeholders regarding green affordable housing, the climate risk mitigation and climate risk adaptation benefits
  • Undertaking research and innovation based initiatives across the entire value chain of climate resilient green housing
  • Organizing training sessions for IIFL Home Finance’s technical team, other captive departments, design consultants, staff of state housing boards, staff of state housing boards and housing developers on site risk assessment, climate adaptation measures and green certification process for climate resilient buildings


IIFL Home Finance has undertaken a number of first-in-kind industry initiatives to promote green affordable housing in the country, widely through its flagship knowledge platform Kutumb, which brings together all the stakeholders of the housing industry, such as the developer, policy makers, architects, academicians, green rating agencies and the financial institutes. With a vision of sustainable living for everyone, through Kutumb, IIFL Home Finance strives to promote sustainable and energy efficient real estate development in the affordable housing sector, and disseminate information on resources related to financing, technical know-how on green construction and certification, and compliance with environmental and social parameters. So far, IIFL Home Finance has organized 9 Kutumbs, three of which have been in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank. IIFL Home Finance’s GVP team also hosted 6 local Kutumb platforms in the states of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, New Delhi and Haryana.


Total Kutumbs






Kutumbs with ADB






Local Kutumbs

Green Value Partners

In order to classify a building as a Green Building, audit and certification from recognized industry bodies is needed. However, the extensive process of obtaining a Green Building Certification has created an uncertainty among developers, specifically regarding the cost implications of these activities. IIFL Home Finance’s ‘Green Value Partner (GVP)’ provide complete support on green building methodologies to developers by becoming the focal point between the project team and green certification agency, green building consultant and IIFL Home Finance team. They provide a no-cost consultation on green building methodologies and hand hold the project teams from ‘Conception to Completion’ in the development of sustainable affordable housing.

Green Value Partner Journey

Initial Assessment


GVP team assesses the current status of the sustainable measures being followed at the project in discussion. The outcome is shown in terms of the rating level achieved by the project as per the green rating guidelines of IGBC & GRIHA. Additional sustainability strategies/measures required to move the project towards a GOLD/4-star rating & above is shared with the developer

Signing of MoU


A project specific legally binding document; MoU (Memorandum of Understanding), valid for two years, is signed between the project developer & IIFL GVP team

Consultant Hiring


A green building consultant (GBC) is hired for the project to further work on the green certification process

Project Registration


The project gets registered with the green building rating agencies such as IGBC, GRIHA or EDGE for certification.


18-24 MONTHS

When the project construction stage comes near completion, the project starts the final certification process by documenting the implemented sustainable design and construction practices. By achieving the final certification, the project saves water and energy consumption that leads to an overall reduction in GHG emissions.



After getting the pre certificating rating, the project is monitored by the green certification agency through periodic compliance reports prepared by the GBC, with assistance of the GVP team.

Final certification


The project team, with help of the GBC, applies for the pre-certification rating, declaring their intention to achieve a specific rating level by proposing to implement a sustainable design and construction strategies on site

To maintain quality of work and adequate payment terms, around 15 GBCs have been empanelled under Green Value Partner program
After steps 1-4 are completed, the project comes under management of the GVP team.

Our Contributions

GVP Creation

GVP Project Impact
Description 2021-22 Cumulative till March 31, 2022
Total Projects 21 48
MoU signed 18 43
Projects Under Management (PUM)* 9 36
Units Under Management 7,465 28,100
Pre-Certified Projects 10 23
1. IGBC Green Affordable Housing (Gold) 7 12
2. IGBC Green Affordable Housing (Platinum) 2 3
3. IGBC Green Homes (Gold) 0 5
4. IGBC Green Homes (Platinum) 1 2
5. GRIHA rating (V.2015 - 4 stars) 0 1
Certified Projects** 0 1
1. IGBC Green Homes (Gold) 0 1
Dropped Projects 22 22

Climate Impact from GVP

GVP Climate Impact
Parameters 2021-22 Cumulative till 2021-22
Energy savings (MWh/annum) 5,592 12,467
GHG emissions offset (tCO2e/annum) 5,144 11,469
Water savings (ML/annum) 323 720
Total projects are the sum of prospective projects, projects under management (PUM) & closed projects
Project Boundary:
MoU signed is the sum of prospective projects and projects under management (PUM) for which MoU is signed with developer. The following projects are excluded:
1. Kakade VTP
2. Yashozone Horizonte
3. Bricktown
* In FY 20-21, a PUM was defined as any project where an MoU got signed. In FY21-22, PUM was redefined as any project that fulfilled all the following conditions:
1. MoU is signed with developer
2. GBC is hired
3. Project gets registered for certification with IGBC/GRIHA/EDGE
Units Under Management are the total number of dwelling units for all the projects that are under management. The number of PUM units in one plotted project has not been included here
Pre-Certified Projects are the total number of projects that got IGBC / GRIHA / EDGE Pre-certification. Pre- certified projects are under monitoring and included in ‘PUM’
**Certified Projects are the total number of projects that got IGBC or GRIHA Final certification. Certified projects are considered as ‘closed’ and not included in ‘PUM’
Dropped Projects are the prospective projects which do not become PUMs and PUM projects that could not move forward pre-certification/certification.


DISHA is a set of community engagement activities at select EWS/LIG housing societies with an objective of influencing the children and women of these households to adopt sustainable ways of living, contributing towards climate change, water and energy preservation and reducing footprints.


Total Activations


Women Participants


Saplings Planted


Community Members Influenced

Awas Par Samvaad

IIFL Home Finance organised a series of webinars, under the aegis of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs’ (MoHUA) initiative ‘Awas Pe Samvaad’ focusing on ‘Role of Indigenous Housing Technologies in Transforming Indian Construction Sector Using Local Materials and Practices’ and “Role of Indigenous Housing Technologies in Transforming Indian Construction Sector Using Local Materials and Practices.

The four webinars were held at three reputed architecture colleges and a renowned green rating agency of the country; IES College of Architecture (Mumbai), Sushant University (Gurugram), Chitkara School of Planning and Architecture (Patiala), and Indian Green Building Council (IGBC, Hyderabad), and were attended by 400 architectural and design student, professionals such as professors, architects, green building consultants, engineers, sustainability professionals, and urban practitioners.


Webinars Count


Green Rating Agency




Architectural Colleges Covered

Green Home Loans

IIFL Home Finance offers discounted home loan interest rate to the customers purchasing properties which are green certified by either IGBC or GRIHA. This discounted rate is based on certain checks which includes category of the Income group under which client is falling along with area of the property under consideration along with star rating given by IGBC /GRIHA.

Sustainability and Green Awareness Campaigns

In this era of digital communication, IIFL Home Finance uses its social media handles to communicate with the community, it’s existing customers, developer fraternity and all other stakeholders at relevant moments and occasions to propagate and spread awareness of sustainable lifestyle, adopting green buildings, and similar subjects.









Evironment Impact

We, at IIFL Home Finance, take our environmental responsibility very seriously and continue to focus on waste reduction and recycling. We are committed to pursuing a path of continuous improvement to manage our environmental risks, which includes identifying, understanding, and managing our environmental impacts in the areas of paper reduction and recycling, waste reduction and management, energy efficiency, and water conservation. Our digital capabilities help customers with convenience and time, also providing wider reach, virtual touch and paperless efficient processing hence reducing our waste footprint.

Energy and Emissions

GRI 302-1, GRI 302-3, GRI 305-1, GRI 305- 3

We have installed sensors across offices to switch reduce electricity, and have also banned the usage of single use plastic in all our offices and branches. We also practice responsible waste disposal system such that it does not impact our environment.

We have made it a goal to reduce energy consumption at the Company’s numerous office locations. Several office sites, including corporate headquarters, use an energy management system to control and manage heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting to reduce energy use when it is not needed. Since we are an HFC, we do not have significant scope 1 emissions. Yet we believe that it is imperative to optimize our operations and increase energy efficiency to positively contribute to the environment, we have reported our emissions in the table given below

Energy and Emissions from Direct Operations

Parameters Unit 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20
Energy consumption from use of diesel GJ 792.17 413.16 277.09
Scope 1 Emissions tCO2e 59.04 30.79 20.65

Energy and Emissions from Indirect Operations

Parameters Unit 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20
Electricity consumption MWh 900.27 765.58 875.30
Scope 2 Emissions tCO2 711.22 620.16 708.99

Total Emissions

As an initiative to reduce GHG Emission, we have installed LED Lights while replacing existing CFL lights with LED Light. LED lighting produces less waste light and more useful lumens than other lighting technologies.

To reduce our indirect emissions, we have used Low-VOC paints at Gurgaon offices which helps to reduce our indirect emissions, concentration of contaminants in the ozone layer, as well as it creates less impact on groundwater and landfills. Low-VOC paints have a lower odour, less toxic and cause fewer toxic emissions.

Water Treatment

GRI 303-1, GRI 303-3

We have identified water consumption within our branches as a major contributor to our overall environmental footprint and are working towards its judicious use.

We have installed a sewage treatment plantand the treated water is used for gardening, cleaning purposes etc. We are also servicing the softeners and treated water which will be used for Washrooms, Cleaning, Cooling Towers etc. Other than that, we have installed Aerators which will help in reducing the water consumption. Chambers are installed to protect soil from entering inside the Drainage. We are setting up a Rainwater Harvesting system which will be operational in FY 2022-23.

Water Consumption

Municipal Water (kL) Boring Water (kL) Bottled Water (kL) Total Water (kL) Water Intensity (kL/Employee)
4,859.47 4,859.47 726.99 17,004.70 6.18

Waste Management

GRI 306- 3

Reduce, reuse and recycle is a principle we strongly adhere to. We not only minimise the amount of waste generated, but also ensure to recycle products for further use. We have also put a lot of effort into moving our business operations to online platforms so that we can provide documents and statements digitally. E-waste recycling is carried out by various e-waste vendors across all offices of the Corporation.

Waste Generation and Disposal

Parameters Unit Disposed via Sale
Hazardous Waste (E- Waste) Kg 997.5