Materiality Assessment and Key Topics Raised

IIFL Home Finance interacts with various stakeholders who influence the business operations directly or indirectly. The materiality evaluation serves as a foundation for sustainable business practises and offers strategic insights into which action may be taken. The materiality assessment was conducted in accordance with GRI framework standards. To arrive at a shortlist of key concerns, we did secondary research and interacted with internal stakeholders. Twenty Five key concerns related to ESG were identified based on business operation and strategies. Material Topics were then finalised by plotting the scores of the senior management on X Axis and that of the stakeholders on Y Axis. The key concerns which ranked high on the basis of both management and stakeholder perspective were identified as the material topics. This year, we have updated our materiality matrix basis engagement of the senior management and employees. All the topics identifies as material is represented in the materiality matrix below. Precautionary approach has been followed for all material topics.

Our Stakeholders
Community Members
Media and Analysts

List of Key Concerns

Environmental Topics
  • Climate Change/ Climate Strategy (including emissions)
  • Energy (Environmental Protection and Resource Efficiency)
  • Water and Effluents (Environmental Protection and Resource Efficiency)
  • Waste
  • Environmental Compliance (Regulatory Compliance)
Social Topics
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Diversity and Inclusion (Diversity and Equal Opportunity)
  • Training and Education (Human Capital)
  • Employment (Human Capital)
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Human Rights Assessments
  • Local Communities/ CSR/ Empowering communities
  • Public Policy
  • Marketing and Labeling includes brand reputation
  • Data Security and Customer Privacy
  • Socio Economic Compliance
Economic Topics
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Fair and transparent communication about products and services
  • Lending practices
  • Economic performance
  • Anti-corruption
  • Anti-competitive behaviour
  • Systemic Risk Management
  • Digitalization
  • Indirect economic impacts

Materiality Matrix

Addressing Material Topics

Climate Change/ Climate Strategy (GRI 305)

Climate change and the events that accompany it have the potential to have a big impact on the real estate industry. The real estate industry, in and of itself, has a major environmental impact. As a result, being of lender to the real estate sector, preventing and mitigating climate change-related consequences is a material topic for us.

Energy (GRI 302)

At IIFL, we consistently strive to build a product portfolio that is energy and resource efficient to enable a positive environmental footprint. Energy Efficient processes also helps in cost reduction and hence it is very important to us. We also have ESG Policy in place which addresses approach to deal with the topic.

Water and Effluents (GRI 303)

We recognise the importance of clean and safe water as a basic human right. As a responsible corporate citizen, we consistently ensure to minimize water consumption within organisation. Our ESG Policy addresses the approach to use and manage water within premises.

Environmental Compliance (GRI 307)

We are regulated by Reserve Bank of India being an NBFCs. Since overall business and regulatory compliance are important not only to avoid any non-compliance and penalty but to enhance brand reputation.

Training and Education (GRI 404)

Employees, as well as contractors and consultants who have access to IIF Home FinanceL technology assets, receive annual training on how to use it. It’s also a requirement for new employees, contractors, and consultants who have access to our technology. This training covers protecting IIFL information and data, policy and standard controls, security best practices, and identifying and reporting potential cyber threats.

Marketing and Labelling (GRI 417)

As an NBFC, it is our duty to communicate minute details about our services to the borrowers. Transparent and timely communication regarding products, Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC), regulations, benefits, obligations of organization and customers, etc., help in boosting trust of customers and other stakeholders.

Data Security and Customer Privacy (GRI 418), SASB FN-CB-230

As digital solutions continue to expand and integrate into our daily lives, we see increasing concerns related to privacy and security breaches. Data security and customer privacy are among our top priorities for IIFL Home Finance Limited and our stakeholders. We have built an integrated tech-empowered organization that is well placed to face the changing technology landscape.

Customer Satisfaction

One of the most significant critical success factors for a firm is identifying and fulfilling client needs. Customer satisfaction is a strong predictor of how well a service is delivered. It aids in the expansion of the consumer base, which is necessary for corporate success.

Lending Practices

As a housing financing company, we have a responsibility to follow best lending practises and implement new ideas in order to maximise value for all parties involved. A responsible lending strategy not only reduces the risk of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), but also ensures that the product is used in an environmentally friendly manner.

Financial Inclusion SASB FN-CB-240

Financial inclusion strengthens the availability of economic resources. Financial inclusion is a major step towards inclusive growth. It helps in the overall economic development of the underprivileged population as well as the company.

Local Community (GRI 413)

CSR lies at the core of IIFL Home Finance. we continued serving communities through programs aligned with our CSR focus areas by leveraging the power of digitisation and technology. In line with our corporate spirit, we designed unique interventions to negate the barriers created by the pandemic.

Economic performance (GRI 201)

To drive a company profitably, it is important to evaluate Within the organization and improve the economic performance every year. Hence, economic performance always remains a material topic to us.

Anti-Corruption (GRI 205)

Preventing corruption unlocks progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, helps protect our planet, creates jobs, achieves gender equality. At IIFL Home Finance, we follow zero tolerance approach towards corruption and sincerely take actions to prevent corruption on the first place.

Systemic Risk Management

We are exposed to a variety of financial and non-financial risks and possibilities as a result of the nature of our business. The real estate industry has a significant environmental impact. Furthermore, climate change is predicted to have a considerable impact on the housing sector. As a result, risk management is critical to our company’s success. We have mechanisms and frameworks in place to assess review and manage the risks across the organisation


Digitalisation makes business processes effective and efficient. Adoption of digital technologies benefits in enhancing our reach and results in reduced environmental footprint due to saving through reduction in our paper consumption.